This page is a compilation of Dogue de Bordeauxs that we have owned throughout the years here at the Vinyard Bordeauxs. Each and every Bordeaux has held a very special place in our heart and is very unique in their own way. We were so privileged to have had the opportunity to have them in our lives.
The Vinyard's Urban Sohos Tannakayd Nocturno
Nox is our import from Yugoslavia out of Enzo Z Vickovskeho Mlyna & Lovely Dee Cecilia. Nox is the truest definition of a gentle giant. He is amazing with children and has produced absolutely amazing puppies. The head on this boy is out of this world! The pictures do not do him justice.
The Vinyard's "Diamond"
Diamond - Love this name for her as she has a perfect "diamond" wrinkle shaped on her forehead! She is built absolutely beautifully! She does excellent with my children. Super gentle and caring around them. When the walk up to her, she lays down and turns over onto her belly for some tummy rubs. Is always curious about what they are doing and is never far from them. You could say she is their shadow! Diamond also loves to soak in cool water in the warmer months. All around, we could not have asked for a sweeter girl.
The Vinyard's "Iyla"
The Vinyards "Iyla" is perfect from head to toe! Super short, stocky & cobby. Love her deep red color (and the troll on her chest is just too cool). She is such a sweetheart, very calm and laid back. We are so thankful for the chance to add her to our Bordeaux family.
Iyla is an import from Italy (Del Dogue Della Valle)
Iyla is an import from Italy (Del Dogue Della Valle)
The Vinyard's "Enzo"
The Vinyard's "Moto Moto"
I like em' big, I like em' Chunky...
I like em' big, I like em' Chunky...
Moto has such a wonderful disposition and is very laid back. He LOVES his toys and playtime. Swimming is a summertime favorite of his. He will sit in the waves and just let them splash up on him.
The Vinyard's Impact Gold Des Legends de Bagh'ya "Jack"
Younger Pictures of Jack
The Vinyard's "Baby Bronson"
Baby Bronson has a beautiful head and body type with the structure and movement to go with it. His top line is great as is his rear angles which seems to be lacking in this breed. He has a wonderful underjaw that is strong and wide. His expressions speaks volumes. His name could not be more perfect for him. When we first got him as a puppy we started calling him Baby Bronson and as he grew, we knew we had to keep that name for him. He is such a loving and just pure amazing! He is a literal fish...will swim for hours, catching frogs out of the pond and fetching his balls. He is crazy about his toys even as an adult.
Bronson has an amazing pedigree. Grandson of both CH. Rolex Rhodonite Emberez and CH. Bakersville Style Viski.
Bronson has an amazing pedigree. Grandson of both CH. Rolex Rhodonite Emberez and CH. Bakersville Style Viski.
~ Baby Bronson as a puppy ~
The Vinyard's "Liam - Red Force"
Liam - Red Force an import from Belgium is the son of Ruzh Perinion Le Chateau Lafite Rothschild and Rozeldogue Seksi Lady. Liam has a super laid back personality, very calm and loving.
The Vinyard's "Doguehills "Bounty"
Bounty is our import from Denmark - our very first Dogue de Bordeaux! She was the daughter of Bon Vitalis Gangster and Lurascade Ollywood. She is the mother of our Fergie Lafluer Emberez and grand-mother to Gucci & Deja Vu. It has been amazing to see the incredible temperament pass down from generation to generation. I could not have hand picked a more amazingly sweet girl. She gave us unconditional love that brought a smile to our faces even on the roughest of days. Even now, with her offspring, I am reminded each and every day of her. Her legacy lives on.
The Vinyard's "Sophie - Queen of Hearts"
The Vinyards Sophie is daughter of Bruins Baby Bronson and Bam Szepe Jolina. This girl reminds me so much of her "Aunt Nora" in personality but in looks I can see both parents. She is such a sweet baby girl, super laid back and docile. She loves to soak in her pool and I catch her napping in it too! I feel so lucky to have such a mixture of her parents in her.
The Vinyard's "Deja Vu"
Our girl Deja Vu is the daughter of Bronson and Fergie. I named her Deja Vu because when looking at her, I am reminded so much of her mother, Fergie. She is her clone. I've even had people think she was Fergie! Even her personality matches her to a T. It has been so much fun to watch this girl mature and I am excited to continue watching as she matures. She is also the granddaughter to our Bounty that was imported from Denmark. So Deja is our third generation from this bloodline. Its been awesome to see the amazing temperament pass from generations.
Deja as a puppy pictured below:
The Vinyard's "Gucci - Limited Edition"
Gucci is the daughter of Baby Bronson and Fergie La Fleur Emberez. This girl was one of the cutest puppies ever. When I held her I felt like I was holding a live teddy bear. I can see SO much of her daddy, Bronson in her, which I LOVE! The picture above perfectly sums up this girl...She LOVES her people & cuddling is her favorite pastime. Her pictures are just a bit different from the other dogs as it is super hard to get pictures of her as she will not leave your side long enough to take them. A trait that has passed down from her Great Grandmother, Bounty and her mother, Fergie. Gucci is definitely a "Limited Edition" girl!
~ Gucci as a puppy ~
The Vinyards "Rolls Royce Phantom"
Royce is the daughter of Harry and Bella. We are so thrilled to have kept this girl. Ever since a puppy we knew she was going to be an amazing girl. Her sheer mass is amazing, especially for a female. She has the exact personality of her mother. Very laid back & loving. If she is sitting next to you, you had better be hands free so you can pet her constantly...otherwise she will inch closer and closer letting you know..."I am still here and awaiting your petting!"
~ Royce as a puppy ~
The Vinyard's Tanakajd Szepe "Pamela"
The Vinyards Pamela is an import from Hungary out of Tanakajd Szepe Taro and Tanakajd Szepe Hera. This girl is a giant fish. Whether it be the pool, pond, lake, kiddie pool, hose or even a mud puddle. She would live in the water if she could. Pamela is a very thick, solid girl with a giant head.
The Vinyard's "Bruins Kiss This"
Kisses is the daughter of Moby de Legeane and Uxy Pugsy De La Tour Gelee. She has been a truly wonderful addition to our Bordeaux family....and for sure one of a kind! The name Kisses is perfect for her as she loves to give us kisses all the time. She loves the water....any water...hose, pool or pond. I sometimes wonder if she has some bloodhound in her as she sniffs any and everything. Kisses is a super loving dog with a HUGE personality. We never have a dull moment with this girl around. We are totally in love with our massive, big boned girl.
The Vinyard's "La Belle Femme Lolavie"
Our girl Lolavie is daughter of Harry - Deliver The Goods For Rozeldogue and our Noranook Far Niente. Her name in French means, "Beautiful Girl Laughing At Life". Her name fits her perfectly as she is such a happy, goofy girl. I can see so much of both her parents in this amazing girl.
Lolavie as a pup pictured below:
Lolavie as a pup pictured below:
The Vinyard's "Bella"
Bella is one of the sweetest girls you will ever come across. Now I know, you are going to think I say that about all my girls, but Bella is truly a special Dogue in her own special way. 100% accurate when I say constant companion. This girl will be right by your side no matter what you are doing. She is like peanut butter stuck on jelly when it comes to her people. I really couldn't have asked for a better package....beautiful head type, thick and strong body and a heart of gold. What could be more beautiful.....our dearest Bella.
The Vinyard's "Fergie Lafluer Emberez"
Fergie is the daughter of CH. Rolex Rhodonite Emberez & Doguehills Bounty.
She has taken after her mother, Bounty in almost everyway. It is like we have a clone of Bounty hanging at our house. It is truly amazing. Loves the water and will follow you around like a shadow. She also carries the awesome traits of her father, Rolex. Excellent topline and is a very thick solid girl. We are very thankful that we kept her as she has turned out amazing in both temperament and build. Fergie is also the mother of our girl Gucci & Deja Vu.
She has taken after her mother, Bounty in almost everyway. It is like we have a clone of Bounty hanging at our house. It is truly amazing. Loves the water and will follow you around like a shadow. She also carries the awesome traits of her father, Rolex. Excellent topline and is a very thick solid girl. We are very thankful that we kept her as she has turned out amazing in both temperament and build. Fergie is also the mother of our girl Gucci & Deja Vu.
The Vinyard's "Bam Szepe Jolina"
Jolina is the daughter of International Champion Bam Bam Wielki Dunczyk & imported Tanakajd Szepe Eta. Jolina was born and raised here at the Vinyard. Her mother was imported from Hungary already bred. We kept Jolina along with her sister Nora. Jolina is always in my shadow. Loves her people to death and is the biggest lap dog around. Water is her favorite pass time. She is the mother to our home bred Sophie, who is just like her momma!
The Vinyard's "Noranook Far Niente"
Nora is the daughter of International Champion Bam Bam Wielki Dunczyk & imported Tanakajd Szepe Eta. Nora was born and raised here at the Vinyard. Her mother was imported from Hungary already bred. We kept Nora along with her sister Jolina. Nora is a bit more of a timid Bordeaux but super loving. Nora loves the water just like a lot of our Bordeauxs do. Nora is the mother of our home bred Lolavie.
The Vinyard's "Tanakajd Szepe Talia"
Sufa is the daughter of International Champion Moby de Legeane and Tanakajd Szepe Eta. In looks, this girl takes after her daddy for sure. She is a very thick, solid girl with an amazing head.

Peppie was our very first English Bulldog. She was probably the laziest dog we have owned...but O'boy was she amazing at cuddling. She absolutely LOVED the golf cart. Anytime she was out in the yard, you could be sure we would find her on the golf cart napping... During hot summer days Peppie loved to lounge in the kiddie pool.